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Dd Command Examples on Linux

The dd command, or data duplicator, is a robust and versatile utility famous for its disk manipulation features. While its primary purpose is to create disk images, it also lets you clone data, convert file formats, take backups, and…

Linux open Command

In this guide, we will demonstrate using the open command in Linux. Prerequisites To perform the steps demonstrated in this guide, you will need the following components: A properly configured Linux system. For testing, consider using a…

15 APT Command Examples on Linux

In this guide, we will demonstrate a number of ways of using the APT command on Linux. Prerequisites To perform the steps demonstrated in this guide, you will need the following components: A properly configured Linux distro that uses APT…

How To Use Grep Command in Linux

As the name suggests, grep or global regular expression print lets you search for specific text patterns within a file’s contents. Its functionalities include pattern recognition, defining case sensitivity, searching multiple files,…

How To Use htop Command in Linux

The htop is a CLI utility to check an interactive list of running processes in real-time. It is a more feature-rich and user-friendly alternative to the top command. The htop command allows you to manage system processes, monitor…

How To Delete a File in Linux

All UNIX-based operating systems, including Linux, follow the structure that “everything is a file.” These systems treat all the regular files, directories, processes, symbolic links, and devices like external hardware as files. You can…

How To Set Logrotate on Linux

The Logrotate utility simplifies the process of administering log files. It relocates and replaces log files to manage their size and organize them while maintaining the information present inside them. For example, it will maintain seven…

How To Set up a Cron Job in Linux

Cron is a time-based job scheduler that lets you schedule tasks and run scripts periodically at a fixed time, date, or interval. Moreover, these tasks are called cron jobs. With cron jobs, you can efficiently perform repetitive tasks like…

How to List Processes in Linux

Processes are the running instances of programs that consume system resources. Listing these processes helps you monitor system activity, and  troubleshoot issues. That’s why there are multiple tools and utilities in Linux that you can use…

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