How to Install VirtualBox Guest Additions on Debian 11 / Debian 10


VirtualBox Guest additions are a choice of tool drivers and device software programs shipped in conjunction with VirtualBox. They are saved in an ISO symbol structure throughout the VirtualBox set up listing.

You will want to set up Guest Additions inside of a digital gadget as soon as a visitor running has been put in.

Guest Additions support the visitor running machine’s efficiency and upload additional options equivalent to Mouse pointer integration, Shared folders, Better video give a boost to, Seamless home windows, Time synchronization, Shared clipboard, and Automated logins.

You can learn extra intimately about visitor additions at the Oracle VirtualBox person handbook web page.

Here, we will be able to see how one can set up VirtualBox Guest additions on Debian 11 / Debian 10.


First, replace the entire programs to the newest model.

sudo apt replace

sudo apt improve -y

Reboot your machine in case the improve features a Kernel replace.

sudo reboot

Then, set up the construct gear and kernel headers for the present kernel.

sudo apt set up -y build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r)

Install VirtualBox Guest Additions on Debian

On the VM window, move to Devices » Insert Guest Additions CD Image.

Insert Guest Additions CD symbol

Open a terminal and mount the CDROM to /mnt listing.

sudo mount /dev/cdrom /mnt

Execute the VirtualBox visitor addition installer with sudo privileges.

cd /mnt

sudo ./
VirtualBox Guest Additions Installation In Progress
VirtualBox Guest Additions Installation In Progress

Once the VirtualBox Guest additions set up is entire, reboot your machine to finish the set up.

sudo reboot

If you don’t get a full-screen view even after the reboot, reduce and maximize the window one time to get the full-screen view.


That’s All. I’m hoping you could have realized how one can set up VirtualBox Guest additions on Debian 11 / Debian 10.

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