How to Extend XFS Filesystem in Linux Without LVM


This tutorial will walk you through how to extend your XFS Filesystem without LVM.

NOTE: I tested the concepts in this tutorial on a CentOS 8 system. However, the approaches discussed will work on any System using the XFS File system.

Step 1: Show partition scheme information

The first step is to get information about the available partitions. You can do this by using the lsblk command as:

Step 2: Extend disk space

The next space is to extend the disk space. You can do this by creating a new partition—or add a new drive.

Confirm disk changes using the lsblk command as above.

Step 3: Grow the partition

The next step is to grow the partition. For this, we need to install the growpart package.

On CentOS:

sudo yum install cloud-utils-growpart gdisk

On Debian:

sudo apt-get install gdisk cloud-guest-utils

On Arch:

sudo pacman -S gdisk cloud-guest-utils

Step 4: Extend & resize partition

The next step is to use growpart to extend the partition. The command for that is:

The command above will resize the third partition on /dev/sda as shown in the lsblk command.

Finally, resize the root partition to fill the space using the resize2fs command. For example:


This tutorial covered the basic steps of extending the XFS filesystem without using LVM.

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