Linux lshw Command

The Linux Operating System’s beauty is that it allows users to do anything using a command-line tool. You can download applications, fetch information, or even whatever you want to intend can be done using the terminal. To extract…

Hwclock Command

The “hwclock” is a command-line utility for both Linux and Unix-like operating systems to access Hardware Clock. It is also termed as Real-Time Clock (RTS) or BIOS clock. The Hardware Clock is quite different from the clock that is…

Linux Column Command

While using Linux distributions, some of the data needs to be displayed in columnar format. Linux system makes it easy to display content in columns using the “column” command. The “column” command is a simple command-line utility to print…

Linux df Command

The “df” is a standard command in Linux, and Unix-like systems termed “Disk Filesystem.” It is used to display consumed and available disk space for the specific file system. Whenever you run this Linux command-line utility, it displays…

Basename Command in Linux

In Linux, the basename command prints the last element of a file path. This is especially useful in bash scripts where the file name needs to be extracted from a long file line. The “basename” takes a filename and prints the filename’s last…

What is Banner in Linux

The banner program displays ASCII character strings in the large letter on the standard output in Linux distributions. It becomes interesting when someone logs in via terminal and sees a beautiful string of letters. Install Banner: Run the…

Linux Free Command Tutorial

In the Linux Operating System, some users wish to install applications to check how much is used, and free RAM is available. The installation of those applications might take a large memory size. Linux provides a “free” built-in command…

Linux Cal Command Tutorial

In Linux and Unix-like systems, the “cal” command is a command-line utility used to print calendars on the terminal. “Cal” is an abbreviated form of Calendar. It is a pretty simple command and doesn’t contain many options. There are few…

Linux Aafire Command

In Linux operating system, the terminal is a powerful tool for Linux users to work on. Linux is all about work for the folks, and there is no fun to use it; you’ll get surprised to see tons of funny commands pronounced as terminal-based…

How to Install and Use Steam Locomotive on Linux

In a Linux system, we often do mistakes while typing commands in the terminal. Learning from those mistakes and getting entertained by them could be good art. Steam Locomotive is a utility containing 295 lines of code in the C language. It…

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